The 884 sqm property is located in the area of Kerameikos, near the homonymous metro station and the former Gazi industrial complex.
The point of interest is its proximity to the restored industrial complex of the former gas plant, known as Gazi. Gazi is the only surviving gasworks plant in Greece and one of the few in Europe. It constitutes a distinctive sample of 19th century technology and industrial architecture. The buildings of the former industrial complex nowadays house cultural and recreational activities, attracting a large number of visitors from all over Athens, but also from the rest of the country, even from abroad.
The restored Gazi plant operates as a cultural center, housing the Technopolis multi – purpose building complex, whose major part is the Athens Industrial Gas Museum. Technopolis – City of Athens has gradually become a hub of cultural events, thus helping to upgrade Kerameikos area.
The nearby square is surrounded by restaurants, taverns, bars, cafes, clubs, as well as theaters and galleries, having transformed its neighborhood into a lively place of social gathering and entertainment.